
Cara Menginstal/memasang Font di Windows 7

Hai agan-agan.....selamat bertemu kembali...muuuuuuuuaaaaaccccchh :*
Kali ini ane akan memposting tutorial cara instal font....font bisa download DISINI

Berikut langkah-langkah'nya :

1. Jika file masih berbentuk .RAR atau .ZIP ekstrak dolo.
2. Copy file font yang mau di instal.


5. Klik FONT

6. Klik tombol PASTE atau Ctrl + v

7. Tunggu proses instalasi selesai....................dan taaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa font baru siap di gunakan.......coba di MS World DLL

Demikian tutor singkan dari saya......wassalam :)


tags : tutorial,trik,tips,aplication,font,software

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2 Responses to "Cara Menginstal/memasang Font di Windows 7"

  1. saat di paste ada koment "font not appear" kenapa yak

  2. This is how my friend Wesley Virgin's story starts in this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.

    As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get anything they want.

    THESE are the same tactics tons of celebrities (notably those who "come out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become wealthy and successful.

    You probably know that you only use 10% of your brain.

    That's really because most of your brainpower is UNTAPPED.

    Maybe that expression has even taken place IN YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head around 7 years ago, while driving a non-registered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car with a suspended driver's license and with $3 on his banking card.

    "I'm absolutely fed up with going through life payroll to payroll! When will I become successful?"

    You've been a part of those those types of thoughts, am I right?

    Your own success story is waiting to start. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.

    CLICK HERE To Find Out How To Become A MILLIONAIRE


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